爱游戏ayx娱乐城CNC加工质量控制 - 如何避免数控机床制造中的质量问题






Second, we’ll go over all the requirements and specifications considerations that you may have when designing a product for manufacturing and as well as go over some tips and tricks of what you should and should not do to ensure that you get the right quality that you want when ordering your product.

* DFM *

其次,对于DFM,如果您是设计师,则存在使用标准要求的事实。爱游戏桌面应用当您希望以快速和一致的方式将产品带到市场的要求时,更少有时是更有的要求。爱游戏ayx炸金花A manufacturer has to work with up to 200 different orders a day, 200 different CNC parts that they have to program, they can’t come up with a custom process for the machining of this part every single time, they will have a new design to program on their CNC machine. They will need to set up standard operational procedures, the consistent outputs that they can form a specific process. The best example of that would be when you have CNC machine parts in aluminum, as the machine is a very consistent and very well-defined standard for defining the surface roughness of an aluminum or even a plastic product. If the designer chooses a machined finish on a CNC machine part, they know almost for sure what the product will look like and the manufacturer, that’s where we come to the link between the manufacturer and the designer. The manufacturer also knows that when a designer chooses as machined, they have already an expectation of what the process will be, but what the result will look like, so it makes everyone move fast on that definition and alignment of the specifications by choosing a standard requirement that is very easy for everyone to understand.

第三个重要点是上下文。上下文意义上下文部分,这意味着您将使用它们的内容,它们将集成到其中的产品。这些是制造商的一些非常重要的信息。一些设计师爱游戏桌面应用可能会忽略这一点,因为他们会认为他们在DFM上受过良好教育,并了解CNC加工的所有方面,但是制造商将面临轻微冲突的一点。爱游戏ayx娱乐城如果我们采取了一个非常具体的铝部件的例子,其中设计师选择手动抛光作为表面光洁度,制造商恰好了解抛光化合物必须使用的是什么,粗糙爱游戏桌面应用度等焦点。该过程是标准化的,设计者还与此相结合选择了紧密的公差,通常是当您具有可能爱游戏桌面应用发生一些冲突的两个标准要求的组合时。这是上下文进来的地方,重要的是。在具有紧密公差的抛光铝部分上,有一部分用手抛光将有害耐受性。要么你可以在DFM阶段捕获,当你第一次向制造商提供订单时,他们可能会捕获差异或小冲突,但它们可能不会。如果他们必须达到紧张的截止日期,他们可能没有时间去询问设计师回来他们需要的信息,必须清除冲突。爱游戏桌面应用 So if you’re able to tell them as a designer in a note when giving the order that this piece will be used on the outside of an automobile and that maybe the width of the part is the most critical of tolerances, then maybe they will be able already to think about some solutions when contacting you. The context, in this case, is super important, because if in the case of the polished part, you don’t have that context, the manufacturer will detect the conflict, and they will either make a judgment call if they’re too tight on deadline or they will ask you about getting more details on the end-user. Because they were lost and detected the conflict and that can take a lot of time, especially in the context of on-demand manufacturing where they have a lot of custom-made orders to do. So context is key and even if you think you have chosen standard requirements, context will never hurt.